The CLO LIFT initiative unites Chief Learning Officers from major global firms to collaboratively tackle systemic problems. As practitioners and peers, they aim to propel the L&D industry toward greater impact and strategic relevance in the face of rapid technological advancements as well as foster a more cohesive, impactful, and sustainable learning ecosystem.
CLOs from 17 major organizations, in collaboration with our ecosystem partners, are generating thought leadership and shaping innovative perspectives. This narrative delves into the ramifications for the future of Learning and Development (L&D) and highlights the operational shifts necessary to remain pertinent.
Join us on a path where collaboration and genuine connections pave the way for leadership excellence.
CLO LIFT Prologue // What is CLO LIFT and Why Does It Matter? (download pdf)
Governance of Learning - the need to effectively govern learning, ensuring alignment with organizational goals, resource optimization, and the scalability of a coherent learner experience.
Surging Skills - Upskilling needs to move at a speed equal to or greater than the pace of the business and markets. This requires the ability to surge a skill as it becomes strategically critical, making a material difference in compressed time periods.
Return on Time Invested - the need for a systematic approach to demonstrate value for the time investment into upskilling and to align learning initiatives with business objectives.